Massage Ball and Yoga

Massage Ball and Yoga

You are a self healing machine. You just have to find the right tools. This class combines gentle yoga, which lengthens and stretches muscles and tendons with the addition self-massage therapy balls. Therapy balls grip onto your fascia and massage out stickiness, adhesions, and scar tissue, they help soothe, restore, and revitalize your body. One of the major benefits of the therapy balls is that they relieve aches and pains. Muscle aches can be attributed to overuse, underuse, or misuse of a particular part of the body. As you roll the grippy, pliable balls into the muscles and its interpenetrating layers of fascia they pry apart dysfunctional adhesions that are commonly known as knots or trigger points. Each one of these classes is a little amazing self care and restore workshop. Give yourself the gift of healing. You deserve to feel amazing in your body. Therapy balls recommended.

Massage Ball and Yoga